Speakers at Amazonas Annual Meeting – Juan Carlos Jintiach

He is from the Shuar Nationality of Ecuador, has studied ecology and environment at the University San Francisco de Quito, as well as an international diploma at the University of Nuuk Groelandia on human rights, rights of indigenous peoples and international cooperation in the United Nations system.

Juan Carlos is an active member of: the Interprovincial Federation of Shuar Centers of Ecuador – Ficsh, the Confederation of Amazonian Indigenous Nationalities – Confeniae, the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador – Conaie, and current technical advisor for Climate Change, Biodiversity and International Cooperation Policies of the Coordinator of Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon Basin – Coica. And part of the technical advisory team of the Global Alliance of Community Territorial Communities- AMPB- APIB- REPELEAC- AMAN- COICA- (AGCT).

In addition, he is the Co-Chair of the global indigenous caucus in the international indigenous forum on climate change within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.