Speakers at Yucatan Annual Meeting – Glicério Pereira

Glicério Marcos Fernandes Pereira is an agricultural technician with a Bachelor of Social Sciences with Habilitation in Social Anthropology from UFRR/BR, postgraduate in Training of Consultants for Micro and Small Enterprises (2001) and Bachelor of Law – University Cathedral de Boa Vista Roraima. In 2017, he prepared the proposal of projects according to: “The Sector Plan for Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change for the Consolidation of a Low Carbon Emission Economy in Agriculture – ABC Plan, according to the seven thematic programs, for the fifteen municipalities of the State of Roraima, Brazil, and presented by the Federal Superintendence of Agriculture in Roraima, representative of the Ministry of Agriculture Livestock and Supply. He assumed the Presidency of FEMARH in the State of Roraima Brazil, in October 2021.