Speakers at Yucatan Annual Meeting – Gustavo Sanchez

Gustavo Sánchez Valle has extensive experience in organizational processes and spaces for participation in climate policy and community forest management. He is currently President of the Mexican Network of Peasant Forest Organizations – Red MOCAF, a network of community forest organizations in Mexico and Secretary of the Mesoamerican Alliance of Peoples and Forests – AMPB, an articulation platform of eleven indigenous and community organizations from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Mesoamerican Territorial Fund-FTM, an innovative mechanism to facilitate community access to climate finance. He is part of the Board of Directors of the Resources and Rights Initiative (RRI), a global coalition that seeks to strengthen the territorial rights of communities and indigenous peoples in all regions and participates in the Global Committee of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities of the Governors’ Climate Task Force – GCF. Born in Sayula Jalisco, Mexico, he is an Agronomist Engineer specialized in Agricultural Economics and holds a Master’s degree in Regional Rural Development, both from the Universidad Autónoma Chapingo. Among other responsibilities, he has been a Civil Society representative to the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF), a multilateral space hosted by the World Bank. In Mexico, as representative of Red MOCAF, he has been a member of the Mexican Council for Sustainable Rural Development-CMDRS and the National Forestry Council-CONAF and in the governmental sphere he has served as General Director of the Forestry Commission of Michoacán (COFOM).

Biografía Gustavo Febrero 2023