Speakers at Yucatan Annual Meeting – Marcos Rocha

Marcos Rocha, born August 3, 1968, in Rio de Janeiro (RJ), married to Luana Oliveira Santos and father of four children. He has a degree in data systems analysis, business administration and a post-graduate degree in education and pedagogical techniques. He joined the Brazilian Army as an officer in 1986. In 1990, he was approved in the competition for Officer of the Rondônia Military Police as an aspirant. He was head of the Intelligence Center of the MP/RO and worked in the development of activities in the city of Rio de Janeiro that helped in the realization of the 2007 Pan-American Games. Deputy Director of Teaching of the PM, Deputy Military Director of Tiradentes College, General Director of Tiradentes College, Municipal Secretary of Education of Porto Velho, Secretary of State of Justice.  On January 1, 2019, he took office as Governor of the State of Rondônia. And in 2022 he was re-elected for a new mandate from 2023 to 2026.