Speakers at Yucatan Annual Meeting – Rafael Domingo Antuni Catani

Rafael Domingo Antuni Catani is the Prefect of the Province of Morona Santiago, Ecuador, serving for the 2019-2023 term.   He is from the Shuar nationality.  A trained Tecnologist in Integrated Community Development, Prefect Antuni has served as the Mayor of Pablo Sexto Canton (2014-2019, and 2005-2009), National Coordinator of the Plurinational Unity Movement Pachacuti, Provincial councilor and vice prefect of the Province of Morona Santiago (1998 -2002), Official of the Directorate of Intercultural Bilingual Education (1992-2003), a Bilingual Primary School Teacher (1985-1992), and Commissioner in the CONFENIAE (1993-1996).