The Governor of the Brazilian State of Acre Meets with Industry Leaders in Colorado

Feb 13, 2017

This past January, Governor Tião Viana spent two weeks promoting scientific, technical, and business partnerships between the Brazilian State of Acre and higher education, business, governmental and civil society leaders in Colorado.


Governor Viana and a delegation of twelve leaders from the Brazilian State of Acre met with officers from the Colorado Office of Economic Development, the Colorado Tourism Office, and the Colorado Department of Agriculture to discuss best practices in economic and tourism development, and sustainable agriculture. The delegation also met with Provost Russell L. Moore and Vice Provost William Kuskin of the University of Colorado Boulder; Dean S. James Anaya of the University of Colorado Law School; Paul White, Vice President of Alfalfa’s Market; Mary Gershwin, President of US-Brazil Connect; Kimbal Musk, Co-founder of The Kitchen Community; and Beatriz Garcia, Director of i3 Impacto Social.


Among the highlights of Viana’s visit include a meeting with Dr. Martin Keller, Director of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in the city of Golden. NREL is the only federal laboratory dedicated to the research, development, commercialization, and deployment of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies*. Viana also signed an MOU with the University of Colorado Boulder supporting the formation of research and educational partnerships, which facilitate interaction and collaboration between US and Brazilian academic institutions.