Governors and Delegates
Layda Elena Sansores San Román
Secretary of the Environment, Biodiversity, Climate Change and Energy
Rutilio Escandón
Maria del Rosario Bonifaz Alfonzo
Secretary of Environment and Natural History
Enrique Alfaro Ramírez
Secretary of the Environment and Territorial Development
Salomón Jara Cruz
Karime Unda Harp
Secretary of Environment, Energy and Sustainable Development
Quintana Roo
Lic. María Elena Hermelinda Lezama Espinosa
Josefina H. Hernández Gómez
Secretary of Ecology and Environment
Juan Pablo Ortega Ceballos
Under Secretary of Environmental Policy and Planning, Secretariat of Ecology and Environment
Carlos Manuel Merino Campos
Manuel Sebastián Graniel
Secretary of Welfare, Sustainability and Climate Change
Gary Leonrado Arjona Rodríguez
Sub-secretary of Sustainability and Climate Change
Mauricio Vila Dosal
Sayda Melina Rodríguez Gómez
Secretary of Urban Development & Environment
Diana Perez Jaumá
Undersecretary of the Environment
News from Mexico
Strengthening Environmental Governance in Chiapas
The GCF Task Force in Mexico, in partnership with Pronatura A.C. and under the leadership of Silvia Llamas, GCF Task Force Country Director, has made significant strides in advancing environmental governance, particularly in the state of Chiapas. July 2024 saw...
Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing in Jalisco and Oaxaca
The GCF Task Force Mexico’s June activities report highlights the collaborative efforts between Jalisco and Oaxaca in promoting sustainable livestock practices. This partnership showcases how knowledge sharing can drive economic and environmental benefits in local...
GCF TF States in Mexico Make Strides in Low-Emission Rural Development
In Mexico, member states of the Governors' Climate and Forests Task Force (GCF TF) have achieved significant progress in implementing strategies to foster Low-Emission Rural Development (DRBE). Through a collaborative partnership model, the GCF TF has promoted...
“Let’s put our hands in the ground, our minds in the community, and put our commitment to governance and development into practice.”
–Sayda Rodriguez, Former Secretary of Urban Development and Environment, Yucatán
News Bulletins
August 2023
Responsible Ranching Certification and Window B Results
July 2023
Strengthening Intermunicipal Boards for Territorial Governance in Chiapas
June 2023
Remote Sensing Workshop and Exchange between Caqueta and Chiapas
May 2023
Strengthening Institutional Strategies for Sustainable Ranching: Jalisco and Chiapas
February 2023
GCF Task Force Annual Meeting 2023 – Health of the Forests, Health for All
All bulletins to date are available at GCF Task Force México – Boletín – Pronatura Sur, A.C. (
Jurisdictional Strategies & Investment Plans
State Investment Plans: Towards strengthening REDD+ Implementation
The proposal aimed to implement the Campeche Jurisdictional REDD+ Strategy to address deforestation with short- and medium-term impact. The first goal was to mainstream the REDD+ agenda into other government sectors, such as finance and rural development. The second goal focused on improving the capacity of local actors to and local governance in reducing deforestation.
- Establishment of intersectoral coordination agreements for fire prevention and firefighting between federal, state and municipal institutions;
- Implemented the Campeche State Fire Management Program (PEMFC), including a training process for extension agents to disseminate knowledge about firefighting and aimed at strengthening community leadership;
- The implementation of the PEMFC contributes directly to the reduction of emissions from deforestation caused by fires;
- Consolidating environmental management units by developing three Local Ecological Management Plans (POELs), updating two, building capacity and generating recommendations to ensure that the POELs are incorporated into municipal public policy.
Local Partner: The Nature Conservancy, Mexico
Investment Plans Transitioning to Sustainability: Resilient and Low-Emission Chiapas
Developing an investment plan for low-emission rural development, establishing strategic alliances with other government institutions and non-governmental organizations.
- Development of State Investment Plan;
- Development of two Regional Plans covering 4 regions of the State of Chiapas;
- Establishment of a public-private financial platform between Secretariat of Environment and Natural History and El Triunfo Conservation Fund;
- Coordination between the Secretariats of Environment and Agriculture to promote sustainable production processes.
Local Partner: The Nature Conservancy (TNC)
Development of a State REDD+ Strategy Tabasco
Developed the State Strategy for the Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation – Tabasco (EEREDD+ Tabasco), which allowed the state to achieve emission reduction goals for the Land Use, Land Use Change, and Forestry (LULUCF) sector in the state.
- Update of the Baseline for the EEREDD+ Tabasco;
- 16 thematic workshops for the generation of information and the establishment of consensus with the sectors linked to REDD+;
- Installation of the working group and the Technical Advisory Council (CTC) of the EEREDD+ Tabasco;
- Final document of the State REDD+ Tabasco REDD+ Strategy approved and signed into law.
Local Partner: Conservation International Mexico
Investment Plans for Low Emission Rural Development in the State of Oaxaca
This project aimed to support the actions that the Government of the State of Oaxaca has been taking to promote the transition to low-emission rural development within the framework of the National REDD+ Strategy and with a view to contributing to compliance with the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) and the objectives (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Mexico.
- Development of pilots for productive activities: agave-mezcal, sustainable livestock, coffee and Milpa Intercalada;
- Consolidation of the Intersectoral Roundtable on Restoration to promote collaboration between the agricultural, forestry, planning, conservation and development sectors;
- Development of a methodology for territorial planning in the state with proposals for functional landscape and restoration models, and definition of prioritization zones to maximize impact on sustainable development objectives;
- Updating the State’s REDD+ Strategy with forest degradation data.
Local Partner: International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
State Investment Plan: Towards Strengthening REDD+ Implementation in Yucatán, Mexico
Activities in Yucatán supported the implementation of the state REDD+ Strategy (EEREDD+) and the strengthening of REDD+ planning and governance at the local level, through municipal planning and strengthening the Junta Intermunicipal Biocultural del PUUC (JIBIOPUCC)
- Strengthening of sustainable low-emission rural development in Yucatán, through a plan for low-emission agrobusiness;
- Building financial capacities and mechanisms to implement and monitor the Investment Program under the emission Reduction Initiative (ERI) in JIBIOPUCC;
- Strengthening of the REDD+ results (emissions and deforestation) monitoring and reporting architecture through alignment with the national system;
- Development of Local Ecological Management Plans (POELs) Tekax y Oxkutzcab;
- Gender mainstreaming in Window A activities.
Local Partners: The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and the Secretary of Sustainable Development (SDS)