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Pucallpa, Peru – The Governors’ Climate and Forests (GCF) Task Force members in Peru participated in three forums during the 2018 Expo-Amazonica from August 9-11, in Pucallpa, Peru. The themes of the forums were the sustainable development of the Peruvian Amazon, the development of public policies for 2021, and the inclusion of indigenous communities in the development of the Amazon.

The Peruvian Amazonia Forum was held on August 9th and was organized by the Amazon Interregional Council (CIAM) and the Regional Government of Ucayali with the support of the GCF Task Force, Mecanismo Desarollo Alternos (MDA), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Earth Innovation Institute (EII). The forum was divided into two panels that covered perspectives from different stakeholders involved in the Peruvian Amazon, focussing on sustainable and resilient development. During the forum, there were two presentations that addressed competitiveness and inclusive development in the Amazon drawing on the achievements and lessons of Low Emissions Development in Acre, Brazil, a fellow GCF Task Force member. The Forum had high-level political engagement, including participation from the President of the Council of Ministers Cesar Villanueva, Minister of the Environment Fabiola Muñoz, Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation Gustavo Eduardo Mostajo, Minister of Production Raúl Pérez-Reyes, President of AIDESEP Lizardo Cauper, and Member of the Board of Directors of ONAMIAP Jerly Ventura.
The Sustainable Amazon Forum was held On August 10th, with the objective of promoting dialogue to integrate public policies that reduce emissions and promote sustainable development in the Peruvian Amazon. This forum was organized by the Ministry of Environment, CIAM, and the Regional Government of Ucayali with the support of EII, NORAD, PNUD, GCF Task Force, MDA, ICRAF, CIAT, Amazónicos por la Amazonia, Solidaridad, BMU, SPDE, Paisajes Sostenibles, and Conservation International. The forum was divided into two central panels and four thematic panels, which covered topics on sustainable development, low-emission agriculture, bio-business and forest plantations, financing and market incentives, and the production of low-emission proteins.
The Amazon Intercultural Forum was held on August 11th and organized by CIAM, ORAU and the Regional Government of Ucayali with the support of the GCF Task Force, MDA, EII, AIDER, WWF Peru, DAR and Resilient Amazonia. This forum was divided into three panels: “Proposals and approaches for the articulation of Indigenous Peoples in the Amazonian territory,” “Sustainable management of landscapes in communities for mitigation and adaptation to climate change,” and “Promoting gender equity, interculturality and new approaches in the agenda of Indigenous Peoples.” Panels included participation from stakeholders such, such as Jerly Ventura, a member of the ONAMIAP board of directors, Lizardo Cauper, president of AIDESEP, and Diana Mori, manager of the development of indigenous peoples of the Regional Government of Ucayali, among other important authorities.
The three days of dialogue promoted the ‘power of partnerships’ that will be a theme of the GCF Task Force Annual Meeting in September 2018. Through the forums, more than ten national authorities, six subnational authorities, a variety of civil society organizations, and representatives of native communities and the private sector sought to align efforts to mitigate climate change and promote sustainable resource management. As a result of the dialogue, GCF Task Force members socialized a proposal promoted by GCF regions to advance inclusive sustainable development through a focus on a Protection-Production-Inclusion paradigm. GCF Task Force members also took a step forward towards the development of a regional working group on indigenous peoples and native communities, which would increase dialogue with the regional governments.
Additional information on ExpoAmazonica can be found in Spanish at: