First payment from Forest Carbon Partnership Facility received for East Kalimantan efforts

Nov 9, 2022

On November 8, 2022, the efforts to reduce emissions from deforestation and degradation (REDD+) in GCF Task Force member East Kalimantan, Indonesia, resulted in a first advance payment of $20.9 million USD from the World Bank’s Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF). The payment, channeled through the Indonesia Environment Fund (with the acronym BPDLH in Bahasa), amounted to around 13.5% of the value of the emissions reductions reported in the Government of Indonesia’s Monitoring Report for the 2019-2020 crediting period.

Prof. Daddy Ruhiyat, GCF Task Force delegate from East Kalimantan, who is also Coordinator of the Readiness Phase of East Kalimantan’s FCPF program, mentioned that the validation process on the province’s performance during the period of July 2019 to December 2020 was started in early November 2022 and will be conducted until February 2023. If the validation shows that East Kalimantan has managed to achieve the expected total target of 22 million t CO2 of emission reductions, then it is possible that the whole payment commitment of $110 million USD can be based only on performance from the 1.5 years instead of from the initial performance period of 2020-2024.

Further information can be found here.

The following video shows the lessons learned from REDD+ results-based payments in the FCPF East Kalimantan program