Governor Bogarin, current co-chair of the Governors’ Climate and Forests Task Force (GCF Task Force) and host of an important “Intercambio de Experiencias” that launches on Monday, October 10 in San Martin, Peru, provided GCF Task Force Project Director Jason Gray with a first taste of the efforts underway in San Martin, Peru to demonstrate practical activities and programs that can reduce current drivers of deforestation while providing farmers, rural producers, and others with sustainable economic options. This included a visit to a government supported native plant nursery and a government supported, solar-powered, native fish hatchery.

Governor Bogarin demonstrates how rice husks and soil are combined to create productive nursery soil

Governor Bogarin explaining to Jason Gray an impressive number of species growing in the nursery

Production of fish food, using solar powered machines, for fish farm

Jason Gray holding a breeding gamitana, a native fish to the Peruvian Amazon

Fish Hatchery in Tarapoto, San Martin
Governor Pedro Bogarin and his team, along with the GCF Task Force, and many public, private, and community actors, will be welcoming GCF Task Force Governors, delegates, and partners to visit these activities and programs in the field on Monday, October 10 and throughout the week to exchange experiences and learn from one another.
More information on this “Intercambio de Experiencias” is available here and in Spanish. We are excited to post more as the week progresses!