On May 30th, the Regional Government of Ucayali, in collaboration with the Regional Health Directorate of Ucayali and Indigenous Organizations, held a meeting with national agencies of health and culture to socialize the implementation of the Regional Plan for Addressing the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indigenous Populations (which was formally adopted by the Region on May 7th).
The virtual meeting included dozens of representatives from Indigenous organizations, the National Government, and the Regional Government of Ucayali.
Ucayali’s Regional Plan includes four components:
I. Strengthening the first and second levels of healthcare and responsiveness within indigenous communities.
II. Implementing social immobilization and closure on district communal boundaries.
III. Food and nutrition security to vulnerable communities.
IV. Implementing an intercultural communications plan.
This meeting sought to socialize advances in the implementation of components I and II.
The Regional Health Directorate of Ucayali has taken swift action to implement the plan since its formal adoption, through the formation of rapid response teams including one member from each regional indigenous organization; and the provision of supplies including rapid COVID-19 tests, PPE, and oxygen assistance devices to indigenous communities.
The National Government of Peru dedicated 11,041,931 Soles to Ucayali’s COVID-19 response plan at the community-level.
This budget allocation is welcomed enthusiastically after more than 70 days of quarantine have passed in Ucayali.