Updates from Indonesia

May 25, 2022

Donor platform in West Papua

In the world of climate and forest finance, it is no secret that the work of donors and development agencies often overlap. To avoid unnecessary redundancy and provide better direct support to programs and activities that reduce deforestation and support livelihoods in West Papua, the province’s Research and Development Agency developed a web-based development partners’ communication platform with assistance from the GCF Task Force. 

A trial for the web platform was conducted in December 2021 with participation from several development agencies. The official launch of the web platform is planned for May-June 2022.  


Ecological Fiscal Transfer in North Kalimantan

In 2020, the North Kalimantan province established an Ecological Fiscal Transfer (EFT) mechanism called Transfer Anggaran Berbasis Ekologi (TAPE) Kaltara. North Kalimantan was the first province in Indonesia to develop the system at the provincial level. Based on Governor Regulation No. 22, year 2020, TAPE Kaltara is a fund allocation and distribution system from province to districts and municipalities in North Kalimantan, which aims to support district or municipality programs to preserve the environment and ecological functions. 

Each year, the provincial government will set out an allocation for the fund, then districts and municipalities will send their applications to access the fund. A set of criteria were formulated to determine the allocation of the fund, e.g., fire prevention and management, urban green space, waste management, water conservation, and air pollution control. The application will be scored based on indicators defined for each criterion. With support from the Governors’ Climate and Forests Task Force (GCF Task Force), the province is currently developing a web-based platform to assist in the application and, later, the monitoring and reporting process of TAPE Kaltara. Stay tuned for updates.

For more information, contact: 

Syahrina D. Anggraini
Indonesia Coordinator
GCF Task Force