by gcftf | Apr 11, 2024 | Uncategorized
Aiming to promote forest recovery in the Amazon, recognizing it as a vital strategy to ensure not only the health of ecosystems, the maintenance and recovery of biodiversity, but also food security, the government of Acre, through its Secretary of the Environment, is...
by gcftf | Feb 16, 2024 | Bioeconomy, Bolivia, Brazil, Capacity Building, Carbon Finance, Carbon Markets
Amidst the vibrant green tapestry of the Amazon rainforest, a pivotal exchange took place last week. A Bolivian delegation comprised of authorities from the Gobierno Autónomo Departamental de Pando and the Gobierno Autónomo Originario Campesino Indigena de Charagua...
by gcftf | Jan 26, 2024 | Capacity Building, Carbon Finance, Colombia, Tracking Impact
Colombia took a significant step towards environmental conservation with the signing of the Cartagena del Chairá Agreement in Caquetá. Minister of Environment, Susana Muhamad, inked the historic pact alongside the newly elected governor and 15 mayors of the region,...
by gcftf | Dec 19, 2023 | Brazil, Carbon Finance, Carbon Markets, Tracking Impact
In a groundbreaking move at the 28th UN Climate Change Conference (COP28) in Dubai, Acre, a founding member of the Governors’ Climate and Forests Task Force (GCFTF), achieved a historic milestone by becoming the first Brazilian state to sign a Term Sheet with...
by gcftf | Nov 30, 2023 | Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities, Indonesia
The GCF Task Force’s team in APCW, with Dr. Wahyu Marjaka (Director for Sectoral and Regional’s Mobilization and Resources, MoEF Indonesia). The Asia-Pacific Climate Week (APCW) 2023, held in Johor Bahru and hosted by the Government of Malaysia from November 13 to 17,...